Gunmen murder Rohingya teacher, student in Bangladesh

Gunmen in Bangladesh killed a teacher and a student in a Rohingya refugee camp because they refused to return to Myanmar to fight, their parents said today.

Hundreds of Rohingya men and boys have been detained in refugee camps in Bangladesh, where they fled after Myanmar’s military expelled about 750,000 members of the persecuted minority from the country in 2017. Now, the man’s refugees make the Manmar soldier doing the same MASHALLENGEMBERS in order to scatter other things in the uninmar, ethanic army (A).

The father of the student said that the men of the army were “terror in the camp, in the garden, accusing those who had to fight for her child. Police said the two boys, student Nur Absar, 22, and teacher Nur Faisal, 21, were killed by “unknown persons” at Kutupalong camp in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar district.

“One died immediately, the other died at the hospital,” said Arefin Jewel, Kutupalong police spokesperson. “We are investigating whether this is a forced recruitment.”

But Faisal’s father accused the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) of fighting with guns. “The RSOs went to my son’s school and wanted to recruit him,” Zakir Ahmed, 45, told AFP.

“My son refused.”

Ahmed said his son was also working as a community guard to stop armed men roaming around the camp picking up youths. “He also works as a night watchman to save other Rohingya youths who are forced by the armed forces,” he explained.

They were shot by RSO soldiers. RSO killed my son.

Aman Ullah, 40, father of student Nur Absar, also blamed the RSO.

“They tried to recruit him,” Ullah said. “Look, they have become a name of terror.”

The United Nations Children’s Fund said it was saddened by the attack. UT century said that “UNICEF is not guilty.

Fighting fighting with mymar soldiers always with Rakhine. These include fighting forces, including the AA, which says it wants greater autonomy for the ethnic Rakhine population in the state, which is also home to around 600,000 Rohingya.

This month, the AA took control of Buthidaung, a predominantly Rohingya town not far from Bangladesh. Several Rohingya diaspora members said the army forced the Rohingya to flee and looted and burned their homes – saying AA called “ideological propaganda.”

About Kepala bergetar

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